A2® User Symposium: Transparency through extensive data
The A2® user symposium took place on November 8, 2024 in the historical setting of the Center for An...
The A2® user symposium took place on November 8, 2024 in the historical setting of the Center for An...
Lüdinghausen is the headquarters of ARTIQO GmbH – and a badminton stronghold. The first team of SC U...
The cement-free A2® short shaft can also score points in the 2024 annual report with a very low prob...
ARTIQO has been working for you since 2012 – until August 2019 under the name ImplanTec Deutschland – from our company headquarters in Lüdinghausen in the southern Münsterland region. Although we are a rather young company, many of our products have proven themselves for more than 10 years and have become an integral part of the clinical routine of many hospitals.
ARTIQO develops, markets and distributes endoprostheses. All of our employees look back on many years of experience in this field and can rightly be called specialists in this highly sensitive area.
Since our existence we have been able to develop pioneering products and services in the field of endoprosthetics. True to our mission statement “Anatomy as a standard” we constantly strive for improvements that serve the well-being of the patients.
Our dates at a glance
prior notice
More information:
EKB: Endoprosthetics Congress
Berlin – Workshop during 18. Endoprosthetics Congress Berlin
Flyer Download:
Münster – 20. Endoprosthetics Forum Münster