20 Apr 10 years of ARTIQO – Out of the niche with the A2® shaft
Newsletter 24.4.2023
10 years ARTIQO – Out of the niche with the A2® shaft
Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear customers and interested parties,
The A2® short socket system has been an important part of the company’s development since it was founded 10 years ago. A risky venture, because short stems were still in the supply niche for younger patients at that time. Ulrich Bücken, Managing Director of ARTIQO GmbH, describes in an interview the considerations that led to the development of the A2® system, why he believes in the future of the short socket as a standard fitting and how the success proves him right.
Yours, Ulrich Bücken
You once said that the ARTIQO company was born out of the conviction that a company was needed that approached well-known endoprosthetic topics differently. Did you mean the A2 short shaft system?
Ulrich Bücken: Our ARTIQO mission statement is “Anatomy as a standard”. For us, this is not an empty phrase, but a living tradition, if one can speak of tradition after 10 years. ARTIQO’s justification has never been “me too”, but rather a consistently anatomical approach to endoprosthetic problems.
The history of the A2®short shaft system
Here you can see an interview about the A2® short stem history with Dr. med. Frank Horst, head physician of the clinic for orthopaedics and traumatology at the St. Josef-Stift in Sendenhorst. Click on the link to go to our ARTIQO video channel or click on the button to go to our YouTube channel.
Cemstop® OP technique for A2®short stem cemented
The success of the cemented A2® stem depends, among other things, on the correct cementation technique. Therefore, the necessary medullary canal stopper also plays an important role in a modern cementation technique. Read the small but important notes on the correct use of the stopper in the instructions.
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Save the Date: ARTIQO Anatomy course on 12.05.23
Thema: Access routes and reconstruction with the A2® short stem Direction: Dr. med Dirk Ganzer, Altentreptow