21 Mar Introduced: Dr Heidrun Jablonski

Dr. Heidrun Jablonski
Introduced: Dr Heidrun Jablonski
It all started at the end of 2018 during a conversation with the management of ARTIQO GmbH at Düsseldorf Airport. Following a tip from her doctoral supervisor, Dr Jablonski took the initiative and applied to ARTIQO GmbH. As chance would have it, at that time the company management was looking for a suitable specialist to complement the QM and Regulatory Affairs department. So Ms Jablonski finally began her career in Lüdinghausen in May 2019.
Her many years of experience in biomedical research as well as the position as laboratory manager at the Clinic for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery at the University Hospital Essen helped her to quickly integrate into the new area of responsibility in Regulatory Affairs. Here she works closely with official institutions and test centres that decide on the market approval of medical products and coordinates all activities that are necessary for the approval of the products. This includes, in particular, the supervision and organisation of clinical studies (PMCF, registration studies). Her experience in basic research in orthopaedic and trauma surgery is of particular benefit in this thematic area.
For ARTIQO, Dr Jablonski is in charge of a total of 5 PMCF studies, four of them on the A2® hip system and one study on the 4-motion® knee system.
Another part of her area of responsibility is supplier communication. Due to the increasing complexity of supply chains, standardised supplier management is absolutely necessary. This includes monitoring safety-relevant data on sales products, technical documentation including validation documentation, as well as the control of certifications, especially for suppliers of own products.
In external communication, Ms Jablonski benefits from her experience from a position in internal customer service at a Belgian company for food supplements.